From Jason Robinson on Mastodon:
The seasonal Truth is not seasonal:

More from this week’s internet elves:
- Professor PZ Myers is handicapped in keeping his published studies of arachnological sex practices interesting because spiders have a more boring level of morality than Matt Gaetz.
- In Letters from an American, historian Heather Cox Richardson reviews the behavior of former Representative Gaetz, how it fits into the history of the Republican Party, and what important lessons we can take from it.
The same analysis is now available in audio format, as Richardson narrates in podcast. - Vixen Strangely finds others who fail the ethics test known as Matt Gaetz.
- At The Moderate Voice, editor Joe Gandelman reviews the ethics report and social media reaction on Gaetz, Republicans, Congressional leadership, Trump, and Merrick Garland.
Key snark:
What goes into 17 twice? Matt GaetzKey sarcasm:
- Dave Columbo is amazed at the Gaetz report, mostly for what nobody else seems to notice:
- News Corpse calls it. Matt Gaetz boasts that other Republicans, a lot of them, party, booze it up, and engage in drug soaked sex parties. He resigns in disgrace.
Steve Bannon, from the violent extreme of the farthest crazy right, has a suggestion.
Gaetz should rescind his resignation, resume his seat, and start naming names and providing proof.
News Corpse shouts it out with glee: Steve is right.
- Brian Beutler has observed and developed a pointed criticism of Democrats:
A good microcosm of my whole political critique is that GOP leaders reflexively understand that “Biden commutes death penalty sentences to life in prison” = “attack Dems viciously” while Dem leaders reflexively see “Trump’s top pick to be AG is a child rapist” as another opportunity to say nothing.
— Brian Beutler ( December 23, 2024 at 3:38 PM
- Ted McLaughlin at jobsanger brings Eugene Robinson with a warning to powerful people journeying to flatter, cajole, and bribe Mr. Trump:
Be aware of what he really wants.Reminds me of a fictional sort of pre-Trump Trump:
- CalicoJack in The Psy of Life finds some precise parallels between Trump actions and a playbook from nine decades back.
- Our favorite Earth-Bound Misfit brings us CNN coverage of the remarkable “territorial expansion” into Panama, Greenland, and Canada advanced by Trump – kind of like the Louisiana Purchase, only bigger. It is less mainstream news coverage than an exercise in craven mainstream cowardice.
She points to historic similarities.
I’m thinking of the 1930s: Today Poland! Tomorrow the World!! - Courtesy of Frances Langum, conservative political personality Hugh Hewitt wants to bar all reporters from Trump press conferences except Steve Doocy of Fox:
- Juliet at Decoding Fox News introduces us to Professor of Journalism Jeff Jarvis, whom she introduces as sort of Godfather of the entire decoding project.
He encouraged a student (Juliet) after seeing her video presentation of a graduate capstone (the equivalent of a thesis).
The entertaining discussion of the horrific failures and occasional successes of mainstream media is worth the watch.
Those of us who prefer skimming through an accurate transcript have reason for gratitude.
- In Scotties Playtime, ali redford reminds us that Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos refused to publish an endorsement of Kamala Harris prepared by the editorial board, and notes the higher than high number of subscribers cancelling in reaction.
Fortunately, the Post receives the enthusiastic endorsement of the Bulwark, a major podcast that, by coincidence, happens to be sponsored by the Washington Post.
Key endorsement:
Uh…if you listen to us you know the great work the Washington Post does on a bunch of topics… - Dave Dubya takes the cumulative expressions of Trump support ideology and summarizes what could be a MAGA Manifesto.
- The Propaganda Professor analyzes right wing radicalism and defines 9 common identifying tendencies.
- Tommy Christopher covers the interview as a House Democrat tells what she has been overhearing:
Republicans on the Hill are fed up with Elon Musk. - Wisconsin conservative James Wigderson time travels to ancient Rome to find a fellow Musk.
Can I suggest a nickname? Elon "Sejanus" Musk.
— James Wigderson ( December 20, 2024 at 6:38 PM
So I do an elderly version of homework and it turns out Sejanus was a bit of a hatchet man for the emperor Tiberius, attacking and frequently murdering the big T’s rivals, enemies, and suspected potential adversaries.
Kind of Musky.
Sejanus was ever-loyal and ever more powerful, super powerful really.
Musk-esque, right?
So Tiberius felt threatened or insulted or something and had him discredited, destroyed, and killed.
Oops.Which bring us to my response on the homework and the historical parallel:
Obscure, but worth the history lesson.
Thanks, James.Just don't do it again.
Ever.— ( December 25, 2024 at 4:12 PM
- And another thought:
— ( December 23, 2024 at 9:08 PM
- Right Wing Watch runs down why Trump’s scariest, most dangerous to freedom, appointment is MAGA insider, QAnon adjacent, Kash Patel as revenge seeking FBI Director.
People for the American Way add a few details:
- From The Borowitz Report:
Clarence and Ginni Thomas are lost at sea near an iceberg after accepting a free (of course) ride on Elon Musk’s self‑driving superyacht. - When convicted offenders complete their sentences, what happens to them?
Come on, let’s not always see the same hands.
They’re released, right?M. Bouffant at Web of Evil finds that Louisiana has routinely held prisoners past their release date, while continuing to rent them out to labor under private contractors.
Total oops. Completely accidental. Nothing to see here, folks.Local Republicans are ticked off at the Biden Department of Justice for investigating and then suing.
- Russia is suddenly authorizing bitcoin as legal tender, and cash starved Russian companies are moving to the risky currency like mad.
tengrain at Mock Paper Scissors sees it as another desperate move by Putin to get around sanctions. It sounds a lot like money-laundering.
- North Carolina pastor John Pavlovitz has a Christmas message for those of us who have forgotten:
If you’re celebrating mass deportations of distraught, exhausted human beings seeking refuge, you probably shouldn't be sweetly singing about a baby with "no crib for a bed."…
— John Pavlovitz ( December 23, 2024 at 12:35 PM
- Julian Sanchez sees a common religious message as just what it is:
If you tried to write an anti-Gospel perfectly inverting the original message, this is what it would sound like. “Give all you own to the already-wealthy, and you shall have treasure here on earth. Truly I tell you, the rich will have a super easy time entering the Kingdom of heaven.”
— Julian Sanchez ( December 24, 2024 at 5:46 PM
and points us toward a biblical warning:
Not that it’s new. Early Christian texts warn the reader that while preachers should be made welcome, anyone who asks you for more than room & board for a couple days should be thrown out as a false prophet. So apparently they had grifter problems from the jump.
— Julian Sanchez ( December 24, 2024 at 5:51 PM
- Juanita Jean has the worshipful news. Trump’s team plans a religious service the night before inauguration day. Even non-religious folk might approve.
Except for one thing.
To worship our God together in Christian fellowship, participants must contribute at least 100,000 dollars to Trump’s inaugural celebrations.
Key headline:
Pay to Pray - Libertarian Michael A. LaFerrara describes himself as “an atheist—or, more precisely, a person of reason” and has no problem celebrating Christmas.
- In The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser, atheist Bruce has thoughts for the year (well ‑ ‑ for December 23) regarding, among other things, Genesis, creation, Greenland, Panama, Gaetz, and atheists who are okay with murder if it’s killing CEOs.
- Tamra Brown goes all motherhood, getting protective of poor red nosed Rudolph:
- Ant Farmer’s Almanac looks at New Jersey panic as experts conclude that drone sightings are probably drones.
- Infidel753 turns his analytical abilities to ghosts, ghostly experiences, and survival of human consciousness.
- In Happiness Between Tails da-AL is host to the Spanish blogger known as Excusatio Non Petita whose chance encounter with a gypsy while bicycling prepared him to meet the love of his life.
- SilverAppleQueen, in good times and bad, loves pets.
- @whiskeywhistle98 finds something new about old age.
- driftglass remembers the Smothers Brothers, and what got them fired from CBS in 1969.
- The wonderful Sarah Cooper aces the audition:
- Vagabond Scholar presents the annual Jon Swift Roundup, the best 2024 blog posts as chosen by fellow bloggers.
- Note: New research has determined a higher statistical probability of excellent luck will result from bookmarking this site or leaving a message.
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