From James Capener:

Let’s spend a bit of the season with internet companions:

4 responses to “The Week before Christmas (all through the house)

Lessons Learned, Lessons Forgotten, Democracy Panic, Numb Nominees, ABC Payoff

  1. Alison Redford Avatar

    Thank you for linking Scottie’s Playtime, also for another great Saturday mid-morning jaunt!

  2. da-AL Avatar

    The cringe worthiness belongs to Fox News. I sure hope we can survive trump part 2 and please let there not be a part 3. Thanks Burr for adding my post here

  3. Jack Avatar

    Thank you for the link and continued support, Burr. It is much appreciated. Also, rounding up all these fabulous blog posts and other articles made a hard weekend all the more bearable — it gave me something to do in my hospital bed (minor surgery, nothing to worry about).

    Festive Festivus! Happy Merry Christmukkah!

  4. silverapplequeen Avatar

    Thank you for the support. I hope your holidays are happy & healthy <3

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