The New Zealand parliament was about to pass a new law diminishing the rights of indigenous Māori people. Then this:

For the moment, the bill is no more.

Just in case, by some cosmic miracle, we ever meet
and I accidentally do something of which she disapproves,

I'd like, right now, to apologize in advance.

— ( November 21, 2024 at 2:02 PM

Now let’s see what wisdom flows from our usual sources:

6 responses to “Week of Cabinet Cabaret
Gaetz In, Gaetz Out
Hegseth, Noem, Tulsi, Oh My!

  1. da-AL Avatar

    I was lucky enough to visit New Zealand and get discover their amazing haka. Thanks once more for including my site here 😊

  2. M. Bouffant Avatar

    Welcome back! Just saw Tengrain’s link.

  3. Alison Redford Avatar

    Thank you for linking Scottie’s Playtime, Burr, and thank you for all the good work you do here. It feels like Saturday again now that your Best-Of-The-Web is back!

  4. Stephanie Avatar

    Thank you for linking – In Happiness Between Tails da-AL hosts Joyful Stephanie – with a story about a reckless decision that turned out beautifully.

    With gratitude,


  5. MDavis Avatar

    I watched the Hank Kunneman video where he says that the devil appeared to him in a vision and said “There’ll be four more years of 45”
    Who does he claim to be a prophet for? It seems to me that he is saying 45 getting re-elected is the devil’s work.
    But then he acts like it’s a good thing?
    It’s pretzels all the way down.

  6. James Emerson Troupe Avatar

    You did a
    good job of expressing your opinion thank you for doing so…

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