The blog had been my favorite hobby since 2008.
Several hundred viewers seemed to like it.

Then, suddenly, everyone including me got this:

The host provider, Bluehost, said someone had accessed the site and planted malware. Dozens of files were corrupted, and dangerous to access.
What seems to be a burgeoning fun activity from the basements of parents is breaking into whatever sites can be accessed and committing mayhem.

Damn teenage hackers, right?
Well… Not so fast, Boomer (that would be me).

Word Press offers, for a limited time, a limited list of recent login attempts.
The last one had an IP address:

The WhoIs website helpfully traces owners of urls and IP addresses – and does it for free (That makes it attractive to a retired, and very cheap, child of the Truman administration)
Just for giggles, take a look:

You just might get the same result I did.

So who the hell is the Biterika Grupp?
And a Moscow corporation? Really?

Okay, so Google is still our friend, right?
Well… except for privacy. Still…

Turns out a non-zero number of complaints against the Biterika Group have to do with brute force attempts at hacking into minor websites.

So why me?
A small blog with a small, friendly readership with similar interests.

Hardly a threat to the erstwhile Putin empire of the future.

Well, Taegan Goddard is a must-read, and there is this…

A high percentage of the misinformation on social media comes from Putin paid trolls.
Many are new. Many are clumsy.

They make mistakes.
Which makes them fun for aging denisons like me.

Like this one who claimed to be a US combat veteran.
He posted a photo with a background of the White House, thinking it was in Minnesota.

Or this combat veteran claiming to have been awarded a military medal for his heroism in battle.
The award he mentioned was for infantry bravery.
The battle he insisted it came from was a raid conducted entirely by air.

Or this American who got mixed up on which accusations were against which candidate.
He referred to what he insisted bogus accusations against Trump, involving Russian hooks.
Although he sprinkled his language with y’all‘s, he couldn’t remember the word “hooker”.

It was entertainment for me, but perhaps embarrassing for the occasional low-level employee of a troll farm.

Could some angry troll have diverted a small bit of Biterika Group attention to the posted website of this gloating American?

Could be, I suppose.
Or it could be an undifferentiated attack on thousands of minor blog sites.

Or it could be something else.

Infidel753 has advice I wish I had followed.

Meanwhile, I’ll try keeping up from here at Red-State-Blues

3 responses to “Putin and Me
(Why Fair & Unbalanced Is Down)

  1. Infidel753 Avatar

    Congratulations on your return to the net!

    It may indeed be that Russian trolls are touchy about being rumbled. The less convincing ones are probably in constant danger of being pulled off computer duty and sent to the front in Ukraine. No more vodka and “hooks” for them.

    I’ll be watching to see how the new site develops.

  2. kikaha Avatar

    Glad you’re back. Fuck Moscow.

  3. Green Eagle Avatar
    Green Eagle

    I’m so glad to see that you are back. A small victory in the seemingly endless war against vicious stupidity, whether from Russia, or their MAGA clients in the U.S.

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